Soldier of the Cross

written by Bill Osborne

Am I a soldier of the Cross,
A warrior for the Lamb?
Will I stand up for His cause,
Or hide away in shame?

No, I won’t take the easy road,
While others fight and bleed.
They faced the fire, they broke the chains,
Now it’s my turn to lead.

I’m fighting for the Kingdom,
I’m standing in the light.
No fear, no shame will hold me down,
I’m armed with Heaven’s might.
Soldier of the Cross, I rise,
With courage, Lord, I’ll fight.

Are there no battles left to face?
No storms for me to brave?
This world won’t lead me to Your grace,
I’ll find it on my way.

Sure, I must fight if I would reign,
Increase my strength, O Lord.
I’ll bear the weight, endure the pain,
Upheld by Your strong Word.

I’m fighting for the Kingdom,
I’m standing in the light.
No fear, no shame will hold me down,
I’m armed with Heaven’s might.
Soldier of the Cross, I rise,
With courage, Lord, I’ll fight.

Your saints have marched before me, Lord,
They conquered though they fell.
They saw the victory from afar,
Their faith could pierce through Hell.

When that glorious day arrives,
And all Your armies shine,
In robes of victory, we’ll rise,
The glory, Lord, is Thine.

I’m fighting for the Kingdom,
I’m standing in the light.
No fear, no shame will hold me down,
I’m armed with Heaven’s might.
Soldier of the Cross, I rise,
With courage, Lord, I’ll fight.

Soldier of the Cross, I rise,
With courage, Lord, I’ll fight.
Soldier of the Cross, I rise,
With courage, Lord, I’ll fight.

© Copyright 2024 Bill Osborne. All rights reserved.